Monday 2 May 2011

Wisteria Dreams: Bargain Hunting

Wisteria Dreams: Bargain Hunting: "After spending a week in Devon, thanks to Mr MT, I have returned (a few pounds heavier thanks to too much creamy fudge and yummy scone consu..."

Bargain Hunting

After spending a week in Devon, thanks to Mr MT, I have returned (a few pounds heavier thanks to too much creamy fudge and yummy scone consumption), but with renewed optimism to get back into crafting and bargain hunting as well as start this blog! So far so good too, in the last couple of days I have purchased a delightful Calton Ware plate in my favourite Apple Blossom design for a fabulous £10 from Mrs Stokes at Frome Flea Market, bought a Lloyd Loom Blanket Box for a bargainous £18 - which I found in a little shack at the side of the road being run by a fairytale old lady and finally a stupendous result on eBay in the form of a Lyod Loom chair at only 99p!!

Both Lyod Loom items need a little titivating, but for me that makes the purchases even more exciting as now I can put my own stamp on them! You'll come to realise I am a little disorganised at times, so once I've charged my camera battery I'll upload some before and after pics!
